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pulau coloane bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "pulau coloane"
  • Hác-Sá Reservoir Country Park is located in the southeast of Coloane Island. Here you can enjoy BBQ facilities, walking trails and canoeing. Splash about in a hired...
    HAC-Sá Reservoir Country Park terletak di sebelah tenggara Pulau Coloane. Di sini Anda dapat menikmati fasilitas BBQ, berjalan jalan dan kano. Percikan tentang dalam perahu...
  • Close to the world's tallest statue of the goddess A-Ma (or named Tin Hau) on the mountaintop on Macao's Coloane Island, A-Ma Cultural Village is a 7,000-sq. m. cultural complex which...
    Dewi A-Ma (atau Tin Hau), ketinggiannya hampir sama dengan patung tertinggi di dunia terletak di puncak gunung Pulau Coloane Macao, ketinggian A-Ma Cultural Village adalah 7,000...
  • Close to the world's tallest statue of the goddess A-Ma (or named Tin Hau) on the mountaintop on Macao's Coloane Island, A-Ma Cultural Village is a 7,000-sq. m. cultural complex which...
    Dekat dengan patung tertinggi di dunia dari dewi A-Ma (atau dinamakan Tin Hau) di puncak gunung di Pulau Coloane Macau, Desa Budaya A-Ma adalah kompleks budaya seluas 7.000-sqm...
  • Located in the Seac Pai Van Park of Coloane, the Natural and Agrarian Museum is the first museum of nature in Coloane Island dedicated to showcases of natural resources. It was opened...
    Berlokasi di Taman Seac Pai Van di Pulau Coloane, Museum Alam dan Agrikultural ini merupakan museum alam pertama di Pulau Coloane yang berdedikasi untuk memperlihatkan sumber daya...
  • Located in the Seac Pai Van Park of Coloane, the Natural and Agrarian Museum is the first museum of nature in Coloane Island dedicated to showcases of natural resources. It was opened...
    Berlokasi di Taman Seac Pai Van di Pulau Coloane, Museum Alam dan Agrikultural ini merupakan museum alam pertama di Pulau Coloane yang berdedikasi untuk memperlihatkan sumber daya...
  • For less urgent cases, visitors may go to any health centre on Macao Peninsula, Taipa or Coloane Island. The most central one is the Tap Seac Health Centre located on Av. Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida.
    Untuk kasus yang kurang mendesak, pengunjung dapat pergi ke pusat kesehatan di Macau Peninsula, Taipa atau pulau Coloane. Yang paling sentral adalah Tap Seac Health Centre yang terletak di Av. Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida.
  • The lotus flower, which is in full bloom, symbolizes the everlasting prosperity of Macao. There are three layers of red granite at the base, which are in the shape of lotus leaves, signifying the Macao Peninsula, Taipa Island and Coloane Island.
    Bunga lotus, yang mekar penuh, melambangkan kemakmuran abadi Macau. Terdapat tiga lapisan granit merah di dasarnya, yang membentuk seperti daun lotus, melambangkan Semenanjung Macau, Pulau Taipa dan Pulau Coloane.